Sempozyum Videoları Distant metastases and late local re-growths during W+W: should we be worried? – Philip Paty What is optimal follow-up plan for W+W – Oktar Asoğlu Is W+W a standard approach? What do I tell the patient? – Geerard L Beets Biological therapies for rectal cancer – Gökhan Demir ISU University/Liv Hospital Experience – Oktar Asoğlu Enhancing response to radiotherapy for W&W strategy? Rob Glynne – Jones How long should we wait for obtaining the optimal response? – Cem Terzi Induction and consolidation chemotherapy in W+W strategy. – Duygu Derin The Maastricht/Dutch Experience – Geerard L Beets The MSKCC Experience – Philip Paty Is W+W an option for more advanced (bulky, cT4, or cN2) rectal cancers? Are there clinical or molecular predictors of response? Are they helpful? What is the rol of PET/CT assessing the response to neoadjuvant treatment ? Handan Tokmak Is pathologic assessment necessary in clinical complete response. Challenges and limitations of imaging to assess the response to treatment? – Regina Beets What is the definition of clinical complete response? Why is it important? The evolving role of MRI in rectal cancer: what have we learned and what is next? Neoadjuvant therapy and its impact on the radicalism of surgery: past, present, and future.